The prospectus of the ETHt7 tokenized bond has been endorsed by the Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein and passported across the European Economic Area (EEA).
The ISIN of the securities is: LI1251379593
Link: Certificate of Approval of the Base Prospectus document
Passporting is a system that allows a firm registered in the European Economic Area (EEA) to do business in any other EEA state without needing further authorization from that country. This means that financial and banking firms located in the Eurozone with cross-border operations can trade their products and services without barriers from one country to another. The ETHt7 tokenized bond has been approved for passporting, which means that it can be traded freely throughout the EEA without needing further authorization from each individual country.
LCX which has received approval for its prospectus from the regulatory authority in their home Member State can offer securities to the public in other Member States of the European Economic Area (EEA) without needing approval from the regulatory authorities of each individual Member State. However, notification procedures have been followed to ensure that each regulator in the relevant Member States is notified of the offering. This allows for greater flexibility and ease of offering securities, in particular the ETHt7 tokenized bonds, across the EEA while still maintaining a high level of regulatory oversight and investor protection.